Scary, angry, mental monster

Recently, a situation came up where I had dealings with someone who has mental problems. Who doesn’t have something going on in their head that is considered "abnormal"? No one I know. We are all dysfunctional in some way. 

But this situation makes me sad. This individual cannot stay in one place more than one night. They can't watch a show for more than 10 minutes at a time. They have to be moving constantly. They are paranoid all the time. They create their own personal hell because of their mental issues, and this spills over to others and makes the lives of other people who care about them difficult.

We all need to realize that just because a person looks OK, they are not always. And when someone even severs a friendship because of something they did, and the dislike of the reaction to that, by the other individual, they are beyond what I could ever help with.

I have been severely abused in my lifetime. I only say that because most of the abusing was either preceded by angry yelling or was “only angry yelling” which is emotional abuse. Sometimes the emotional abuse was worse than the physical. Scars heal, emergency room bills get paid, but you can never un-ring the bell.

Until yesterday, it had been years since I was faced with something like that, because I guard my circle closely. I let someone into my circle, and they morphed into a yelling, angry, scary monster.

Just when you think you can trust someone... they seem to try to take over. Then somehow, they expect you to not be upset when things were divulged that should have never been told to them by doctor's office because they were trying to help by calling on my behalf...  I had signed nothing with the Dr. saying that it was OK. I know the person meant well and I will always be aware of that and I know they tried so hard to be a help to me. It's not that I don't appreciate that.
It's the angry, scary monster yelling loudly at me that causes me now to gently, and with sadness close the door on that part of my circle so that they are no longer part of it.

It will be a long time before I can get back to the point I was at, but I WILL.

I just hope the person I asked to leave my home yesterday gets help and can see the truth before they destroy other lives with their actions.

I wonder how anyone else would have handled it. Even the person to whom I refer. Yet I am expected to be fine about it... Is it just me, or was my reaction (just a bit upset, not yelling or anything) incorrect? I do not think my reaction was wrong... I do know that THEIRS WAS. But when someone's head is up their bum, they are blinded.

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