Happy Birthday Micheal
Happy birthday, Micheal
You'd be 32 today... Time flies in some ways.
Yet, in other ways, it stands still.
It's 13 years you've been gone.
I will never forget the day you born.
I couldn't stop kissing you.
You had such massive, electric energy!
You gave off a vibration from the minute you were born.
You peed on the nurses
(all 3 of them, good shot!)
and you stuck your tongue out at me.
From that day forward,
there was never a dull moment.
there was never a dull moment.
I would make you a big cake
give you all the candy you wanted to eat
if you were here.
How could anyone ever forget your love for candy?
You were the greatest love out of all I have met.
You still are, because I hold you close in my heart.
Death doesn't end love- & a mother's love is eternal.
What the heart has once known, it shall never lose! Thanks for sharing the beautiful memories, Rie.